Saturday, December 4, 2010

Santa's visit & snow

I don't think people blog as much anymore, but here's to those few people that will see this! Life has been good, Mea is such a joy! It is so fun to watch her learn and grow everyday. As you can see we went to our ward christmas party and santa was there....she was soooo excited until she got put on his lap! The whole time while we were getting ready she would say "Santa...Ho Ho". So cute, but it didn't turn out how we wanted it to. I still love the pic! She is OBSESSED with Dora and Toy Story2. I love it! She has prob seen toy story2 100 times....she knows what part is coming up right before it shows it, it's hilarious. Jason and I have been good as always :) He's enjoying his new job at Fidelity. Happy Holidays!

Thursday, May 13, 2010's been awhile!

So do people still blog and I'm the only one that doesn't anymore?? I dunno why it has taken me so long, I put most of my pics on facebook now so i figured there's no point. Anyways-Mea is almost 14 months, I can't believe it! She is so fun and loves when Jason gets home from work! They play on the floor together all night! Jason is working at Wells Fargo and liking it. I'm home all day with Mea, so let me know if you ever wanna go do something fun! We have been going to the park since the weather has been nice. We're planning on going to a petting zoo on saturday so Jason can come! Mea can tell you what a dog, cat, sheep, horse, cow, frog, monkey, bird, and a bear can say! It's so cute. Also every time the train goes by our house and shakes everything and blows it's horn she says choo choo! She is getting her molars so she's been a little cranky and up a lot through the night, other than that she's a good girl!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Party!

Very creative! Makai & Bridget
We had our Halloween party last night and it was sooo fun like always! The costumes were so funny and very creative. Jason and I were Mr. & Mrs. Pac Man and Mea was blinky. Tonight Mea is going to be a pea in a pod, so hopefully Jason will want to go trick or treating!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

We had so much fun at the Pumpkin Patch! We love these pictures. Mea is getting her bottom 2 teeth so it's been a little rough. We don't have good internet service, it's very that's all I'm writing!! haha O ya-we love our new place!!

Monday, October 12, 2009


She is so proud!


We have been having so much fun with our little girl lately. She is started to have more personality and enjoys playing with daddy more. She is all over the place crawling and pulls herself up to stand like its no big deal! You can tell she wants to walk so bad already at 7 months. She is so funny and is a joy to have around. We are moving to Salt Lake in a few days and we're stoked! We are excited to finally move out of Cedar, but sad at the same time. We've had lots of great memories there, including the first day we met, but we are excited to move forward and move away. I'm sad we will be far away from my family, but they will have to visit me often!! Jason is going to be working for Wells Fargo, we are glad that something finally came through after literally 5 months of applying for jobs and getting shut down. We are going to the pumpkin patch this weekend, I told Jason that is a must because she will look so cute with her hair matching the pumpkins! Can't wait to post pics from that!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Mealii's poses.........

Sorry about the naked pics, but we had to share them! She loves playing on the grass at night bare bum, wouldn't you if you had a diaper on all day?! Jason and I were laughing so hard when she was making all these poses! It was the cutest thing ever! She makes us laugh and smile every day. She is 6 1/2 month old and growing so fast. She is SO close to crawling and her personality shows more and more each day. We are having a blast! Hope you enjoy these funny pics!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

5 months old

Meali'i is 5 months old now and Jason and I are loving every second of being a parent! She makes us laugh everyday with the cute things she's learning to do. We started giving her baby food about a week ago and she loves it! It's so cute to see how they eat because they're so used to sucking. Things she loves......her blankie, tubby time, being in the pool, dinner time, being in the car, watching sponge bob with her dad (we only let her for a couple minutes and yes Jason likes sponge bob, I'm still trying to figured out why!) We are having so much fun and couldn't imagine life without this little one!